Teaching Adults

This course is open and currently free while I'm testing the curriculum!

Join the class today!!

Hi, I’m Dr. Nick Heath

Having taught thousands of students for nearly 20 years, I've learned what it takes to get the point across.

And I can do that for you.

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Let your friends know!

Free enrollment will be limited so pass along this offer now to anyone you think might be interested.

How to Teach

Teaching is more complicated than simply telling students something new.

Build Your Curriculum

Create your curriculum as you move through the course.

Quick and to the Point

Your time is valuable. This course is about you and your vision, not hours of drawn-out lecture.


The program is designed to take about 4 weeks and it is expected that the student is working on their course idea as we move along. Lectures are short and intended to orient the student towards the work they need to be doing.